Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Day Two - 11/26/2013

Okay, so yesterday's workout didn't go exactly as planned.  Everyone and their mother was in the gym last night and I didn't want to wait for all of the equipment I needed, so I changed it up.  I'll do the workout I showed here on Friday.  So last night I did the following:

I saw some friendly faces at the gym and was glad I was back.  Do I look different from the last time I was in there?  Sure.  But I know what I need to do.  I know the steps I have to take to look, but more importantly, FEEL good.  There's something about being strong in the gym that I find empowering.  Personal tangent, but I am not the strongest person emotionally and by gaining control over other areas on my physical and mental well-being, I believe it helps me emotionally.  I was lost in the music coming out of my headphones and was focused on my movements, making sure not to take too long between my sets. 

This morning?  My left bicep has taken out a restraining order on me.  It won't allow me to fully extend my arm.  I can imagine how horrid I'll feel tomorrow as the second day of DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) is always worse.

I did drink a protein shake - Hydro 4 Apple Tango Blast by Chaotic Labz 30 minutes before I hit the gym, mixed with water.  It's so good.  When I'm allowed to add oatmeal back in to my diet, you better believe that I put some of this protein in there with a bit of almond milk.  YUM.

Last night I made some of those Bird's Eye Recipe Ready vegetables with some pinto beans and made sure that I didn't over indulge.  It was really good!  I can see myself keeping to that meal.  Simple, easy and something my son would probably eat.

Today I'll be hitting up my legs at the gym with a dear friend.  It's always good to have someone with you that pushes your limits.  I fully expect to not be walking come Thursday!  Good thing it's Thanksgiving and I won't have to go to work!

This morning I had black coffee and a banana.  I'm downing bottle number 1 of water now.  Make it a good day!

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