Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Where, Oh Where Have I Been, You Ask?

Hello peeps.  So, I bet you're wondering where the heck I ran off to.  Remember how my legs were hurting after my leg workout?  Funny little thing happened shortly after.  I acquired Rhabdomyolsis.

I'm going to take you through a timeline of what happened, what I had been eating, drinking, etc. that lead up to my fun little dance with Rhabdomyolysis.  For starters, I DID NOT GET IT DOING CROSSFIT!  This is something that I was asked no less than ten times during my ordeal because of the recent hoopla.  Anyone can get rhabdo if all of the conditions are just right.

Let's begin with: What is Rhabdo? Take a look at this article written by Jeff Barnett, Owner of Crossfit Impulse.  He hits on all points perfectly.  Pay close attention to his first thought, "Why should I care about Rhabdo?  Because it can kill you"

Now - My Story:
I had been out of the gym for almost three months.  Yep.  Those of you who know me know that this is totally out of the norm for me.  I used to be in the gym two times a day when preparing for competitions, but life happens and priorities get rearranged.  After some dust cleared and I regrouped (found my footing, if you will), I decided to get myself back to where I wanted to be both physically and mentally.  I joined up at my favorite gym and was excited about getting back to the grind of the weights.  I had been eating like absolute crap for weeks and had finally, once again, found my groove in the nutrition department.  I was going to be kick starting my plan with the Eat to Live diet.  Ergo, I was eating a lot of vegetables, some fruits and beans for protein (although I did continue to implement my protein shakes everyday).  I was drinking a gallon of water and had on Sunday, Monday and the Tuesday I was injured.  On Tuesday, I worked out with Rachel Winn (an NPC Figure Competitor) and we did nothing that we hadn't done previously.  It was a leg workout complete with a myriad of different squats and super-sets - basically no rest through the duration of the workout.  It was a total of eight exercises (4 super-sets) - three sets each.  I knew it had been a while before I worked out, so there were times when I would tier the reps from 15-15-15 to 15-12-10.  If needed, I also dropped to just my body weight.

I have learned from research that people susceptible to Rhabdomyolysis (let's just called it Rhabdo from now on) are beginners or former athletes/competitors who take a break and then immediately jump back in to training where they left off.  That was me.  My friend, Michelle Simpson (CF box owner, trainer and Body for Life Champion), put it best to me when she said, "Mentally, you knew you could do the workout and you were already determined to finish it.  Physically, your body had lost strength but you knew you could push through because of the mental aspect."  This is it, perfectly.  I didn't care if I had to drop weight of a couple of reps, I was going to finish this workout.  Post workout, as Rachel was doing some sprint work, I was steady state walking on a treadmill for 20 minutes and my left leg almost gave out on me.  As you can see from some of my posts, I was joking about how brutal the workout was!  Her and I went for coffee after the workout - just black with some half and half.  On the way home, I had a protein shake.  I got home and took an Epsom Salt bath as I heard that it could help with inflammation.  I drank about 30 ounces of water by the time the workout ended to the time I crawled in bed.  The next day it just felt like I had regular DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) and I didn't worry about the feeling.  I went to work and even walked around a store with Jake later in the day.  By that night, however, things had changed.  Jake sat on the couch with me and his thigh hit mine sending a sharp pain in my leg.  This wasn't just normal post workout soreness.  By the middle of the night, my legs started to tighten up.  I honestly just thought that I had slightly overdone my workout and it would take another day of recovery. We all know that usually DOMS are the worst on day 2.  I was thankful that it was Thanksgiving so as to not have to be in an office.  I woke at 5 am and thought I should maybe take another Epsom Salt bath.  My legs were now shot.  They would not function.  I had to negotiate getting up and off the couch (where I was determined to stay for the entire day) and made sure that I did everything that needed to be done while I was standing before I had to once again sit.  If I even bent my leg slightly, my quads would feel as if they were on fire and I could feel a very hard pull on the muscles.  I drank a lot of water and just thought that maybe I needed to stretch them out.  So long as I was laying on the couch - I was fine.  That's where I stayed all day.  Come Friday, I was now walking like a stork.  I recognized how ridiculous this was and I just needed to probably stretch out my muscles.  (I have since learned that this is a BIG no-no).  My knees would not bend on their own.  I'm pretty flexible, but could not so much as lift my heel off the ground.  I forced my knees to my chest and even attempted to lay on a foam roller.  As I lay on the roller I immediately knew it was not a brilliant idea.  Oh, the pain.  I made no attempt as rolling so much on the thing as to roll off of it in the fetal position.  I used my hands to then massage them and I was feeling a cold rush making its way through my thighs almost as if blood was flowing in them again.  It was an odd sensation.  I had to step up on a stool to reach something and I remember thinking how the heck I planned on negotiating the movement.  I physically forced my knee to bend by using my hands to lift my foot on to the stool.  I thought I was going to snap my quad in half it was so tight and the pain was horrible.  I drove myself to Walmart and bought some muscle pain medication.  The security footage of me getting in and out of the car is probably golden.  I remember letting out a little yell when I sat back in my car.  I decided to reach out to a friend who is versed in rhabdo as he had it as well this year.  I was to monitor my urine color.  Fun stuff.  I did so and, to my dismay, it was turning a slight brown.  I had only been drinking water for the past three days, so this was a huge red flag.

Yeah - I know.  But it's a visual that may help!  Workout was on Tuesday.
This reflects (from left to right) 2:00 pm, 3:00 pm, 4:40 pm and 5:20 pm)

Still, however, I thought about not going to the doctor because my urine wasn't "coca cola" colored like they talked about nor showed picture examples of online.  Of course, one never trusts their own judgement, so I shared with a friend who was familiar with Rhabdo as well (he's also a CF trainer).  He said that if I didn't go to the hospital to get checked out, that he'd drive over and take me themselves (thanks, Daniel).  Off to the Emergency Room, I went.  Trying to get in and out of the car, I realized that now where there is pain, there was also numbness.  It felt like I didn't have muscle in my legs at all.  Almost as if my legs were jello - liquified. I arrived at 5 pm and finally was taken back around 10:00.  By this time, my thighs had started swelling.  It was not a good look.  The ER doctor said, "So you worked out a little too hard, huh?"  I knew that she wasn't meaning to, but was minimizing what was going on.  I told her that I knew what soreness was and this was anything but.  I could not bend my knees at all.  She ran a urine panel on me and came back almost in disbelief.

"There is something in the blood - muscle enzymes called CPK.  A normal range is 20-140 micrograms per liter.  The most I've seen in my fifteen years as an ER physician is 10,000-15,000.  I ran your panels twice to make sure.  You have a level of 132,000."  And, with that, I was admitted.  The doctor on the floor who took over my care thought I may have been in a crushing car injury.  I had brought my iPad with me and started researching the numbers they were telling me.  It doesn't do anyone any good to read how someone had a level of 40,000 and they were in danger of kidney failure or death.  I was thinking, "I have you beat by more than triple!"  I really did a number to my quads, I guess.  They put air compressions on my lower legs so as to avoid any blood clots.  They had to put an IV in my bicep (that's a happy little placement) and a heart monitor.  I was in the hospital until Monday morning.  My care consisted of pushing a ton of sodium bicarbonate through my body via I.V. and drinking at least a gallon or more of water per day.  Minimal movement was requested but when one has to use the restroom from the influx of liquids, it doesn't bode well.

My CPK Levels:
Friday Night: 132,000
Saturday Morning: 128,500
Saturday Night: 95,800
Sunday Morning: 80,150
Monday Morning: 53,000
*UPDATE: Wednesday - eight days after the workout. Levels are 16,700.  Still high and will follow up again in a week.  I still do not have full range of motion in my legs

My liver enzyme levels were high as well (he said in the thousands, but I have yet to see the actual report) and sent me to have an abdominal ultrasound before I was released.  All came back clear and there was no noticeable damage to my kidneys.  The doctor was comfortable with my leaving the hospital on Monday so long as I followed up with my doctor by Thursday.  Today I've been at work and am not feeling so bad.  My legs are just the normal post workout soreness and I can actually sit and stand without seeing stars.  I've been drinking a ton of water and will just make sure to take it easy once I get back to the gym.  I'm not to do a lower body workout for two weeks, but I know that I must start off slowly and not try to hang with a figure competitor for a while!

Seeing as how I'm not allowed to workout until the New Year - I shall continue blogging until said time and then it is on!

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Day 4: Happy Thanksgiving - Laying on the Couch Edition

I cannot properly convey how much my legs hurt!  I am moving purposefully throughout the house and, if I must get up from the couch, I do everything necessary that I think needs to get done before I sit back down. It's horrid. Let's not even discuss the drama that ensues when trying to go to the bathroom. We'll not get in to that aspect of my crippled body. 
So today is Thanksgiving and I all I wanted to do was eat every form of carb known to man. And pie. Mmmmm. Pie. Yeah, that would have been delicious, but I made a commitment to myself to not deviate from my goal. This soon in to my plan would be detrimental. I know me. I know my limits and boundaries. So today has been vegetables and pinto beans. And you know? It's good. I have no complaints...other than my inability to walk. 

Happy Thanksgiving, all!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Holy Mary, Mother of God

Pray for my thighs. Holy cow. I've never ever been this sore before!  The outside of my thighs are sore to the touch and I'm sitting down and getting up as if I'm in super slow motion!

I've had plenty of water today and black coffee. I also did something rare - I ate a banana. This move is only second to me eating a raw apple (that will NEVER happen. The crunch is like nails on a chalkboard to me). The texture if a banana has always bothered me. Bleck.

I'm also doing pinto beans and Birds Eye Steamfessh vegetables. 

I'm not sure what I'll be eating tomorrow but, after speaking to a friend, I know that I will not go completely off the grid in regards to my food. I will be utilizing the gym in my subdivision. Hope everyone gets some great rest for the marathon of eating they'll partake in tomorrow. I'm going to go lay in a bath!

Day 3: November 27, 2013: Rescue 9-1-1

Last night an exorcism was staged on my legs by a 5'1" 110 lb figure competitor.  She wrecked me.  Do you understand me?  W-R-E-C-K-E-D.  I was breathing like a woman in labor...with triplets.  While I outweigh the woman by a solid 30+ lbs, she was moving heavier weight and making it look easy.  I watched her in awe as she bee-bopped from weight to weight, supersetting EVERYTHING.  I was embarrassed.  Yep.  Totally embarrassed that I had let myself "go" so much that I had to sometimes drop weight to just my body weight.  Know what she did?  She cheered me on.  She told me that I was strong and to keep moving.  Keep pressing forward to finish the rep count.  She told me she was proud of me.  You have no idea how much I needed these words.  I've worked out with her before when I was in better shape, and could maintain a closer gap in the weights that we both utilized, but yesterday it was staring me in the face how much strength and conditioning I had lost.  But you know what?  I let it bother me for all of a minute.  I reminded myself that I will get back to where I want to be and it helps, not hinders, to surround yourself with encouraging people who will push you.  She is exactly what and who I needed last night.  You'll be hearing me post more about her.  I must think of a cute little name for her.  But for now, here is how she violently destroyed my lower extremities.

I remember when we were on leg extensions and she said she "Only was starting hers at 55#" (she increased the weights every set) and I thought, "We can both move more that that!"  No.  No sir.  After everything prior, my legs were shot.  When we were on the treadmill and she was performing 30 seconds on and 30 seconds off of sprinting (I think she was on a 7 incline at 9.8 speed) I was doing well to keep my legs under me.  I turned to her to say something and my right knee buckled sending me into panic mode as I thought I was about to be catapulted off the back end of the thing. 

I went home and took an Epsom salt bath which is supposed to help with inflamation and soothe muscles.  Lies.  LIES!  I am waddling everywhere today.  I am thankful that we have a bathroom stall at the office with the pullup bar thing as I have used it - which isn't easy considering my arms are still sore from the arm workout the other night. 

I am not sure the workout I'll do this evening, but it will be something!  I may do some tabata training as I'll not be able to get to the gym this evening. 

We had a pot luck for Thanksgiving at my office.  I kept to the Eat to Live plan less having a spoonful of sweet potatoes.  I'm not going to go off base.  I veered away from the mashed potatoes, bread, cakes, pies, chips.  This is big for me.  I'll update tomorrow...probably from the couch as my legs surely won't be working come tomorrow!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Day Two - 11/26/2013

Okay, so yesterday's workout didn't go exactly as planned.  Everyone and their mother was in the gym last night and I didn't want to wait for all of the equipment I needed, so I changed it up.  I'll do the workout I showed here on Friday.  So last night I did the following:

I saw some friendly faces at the gym and was glad I was back.  Do I look different from the last time I was in there?  Sure.  But I know what I need to do.  I know the steps I have to take to look, but more importantly, FEEL good.  There's something about being strong in the gym that I find empowering.  Personal tangent, but I am not the strongest person emotionally and by gaining control over other areas on my physical and mental well-being, I believe it helps me emotionally.  I was lost in the music coming out of my headphones and was focused on my movements, making sure not to take too long between my sets. 

This morning?  My left bicep has taken out a restraining order on me.  It won't allow me to fully extend my arm.  I can imagine how horrid I'll feel tomorrow as the second day of DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) is always worse.

I did drink a protein shake - Hydro 4 Apple Tango Blast by Chaotic Labz 30 minutes before I hit the gym, mixed with water.  It's so good.  When I'm allowed to add oatmeal back in to my diet, you better believe that I put some of this protein in there with a bit of almond milk.  YUM.

Last night I made some of those Bird's Eye Recipe Ready vegetables with some pinto beans and made sure that I didn't over indulge.  It was really good!  I can see myself keeping to that meal.  Simple, easy and something my son would probably eat.

Today I'll be hitting up my legs at the gym with a dear friend.  It's always good to have someone with you that pushes your limits.  I fully expect to not be walking come Thursday!  Good thing it's Thanksgiving and I won't have to go to work!

This morning I had black coffee and a banana.  I'm downing bottle number 1 of water now.  Make it a good day!

Monday, November 25, 2013

Monday 11/25 Planned Workout

So here's what I'll be doing today.  I haven't been in a gym in over 3 months.  This should be interesting.

12:38 update on day one

My body hates me right now. HATES!  It's craving sugar and letting me know that it is mine to happy by way of jitters.

I've upped my water intake and will probably allow myself some type of food today. Basically I'm allowed an exorbitant amount of vegetables and some beans. 

I need to go grocery shopping - and weigh out my foods.  Again - I WILL be adding protein shakes to this mix or even Inception by Chaotic Labz.

Also, I wanted to give a heads up on a coupon I found.   These are quick little "go to" items when needed to get my veggie fix.  This week, they are 50% off at Publix.  So when they're typically $2.59 a bag, it would be $3.89 for two.  Take off the $1.00 and ta da!...two bags for $1.44.  The coupon doesn't expire until February 1, 2014!  I get mine from Ebay (you don't pay for the coupon...that's illegal! ;) You pay for their time to find them for you.)

Sometimes the stores will do a BOFOG (buy one get one free) and you can then get two bags for $1.59!  BOOM!

Edit: I just found some that are $0.75 off of one.  An even better deal!

Day 1 - Here We Go!

Okay, so today is November 25, 2013, and here.  We.  Go. 

Let's first discuss the name of my blog: Drop and Give Me Twenty.  I chose it because it has a "get your butt moving" ring to it and my goal is to drop 20 pounds.  Clever, right?  Yeah...I thought so, too.

I am a 36 year old single mother and have absolutely let myself partake in way too many indulgences over the past couple of months.  Ergo, my pants are ridiculously tight.  It is not a good look.  I have created this blog to document what I'll be eating, my workouts and my rants.  Some days I may do nothing but vent, so prepare yourselves.  I'm going to be attempting the Eat to Live diet by Dr. Fuhrman.  I know someone who has lost, and maintained a 20+ weight loss for over a year.  At my heaviest, I weighed 184 pounds.  Okay, okay - I was pregnant.  So let's say that my heaviest after I had my child was 170.  I was a walking circle.  I then found Body for Life and it completely changed my outlook on nutrition.  I also was lucky to meet some pretty great people on a weight loss board and have maintained those friendships over the past five years.  I'll try most anything but found that my "home" is with the iron. 

I actually love to workout.  Now, let me be specific - I like to lift weights; loathe running.  My idea of cardio is to just lift weights faster.  I have an obscene amount of workout clothes which I shall probably be documenting on this page as well.  I have a gym membership, believe in supplements and "treat" meals.  I love a good deal and whether it's on healthy foods, workout gear or clothing, you'll probably read about it as I am also a sharer.  Is that even a word?  (I just googled it.  It's a word.  Moving on...)

Where I stand now with weight, stats and Holy, Mary, Mother of God pictures.

Height: A staggering 5'2"
Weight: 143
Neck: 13.5"
Shoulders: 41.5"
Chest: 37"
Waist: 31.5"
Hips: 35"
Around Glute: 38"
Thigh: 22"
Calf: 14"

Brace yourselves:   Pictures

EDIT:  Mullllhahahahahaaaa... I deleted them!  That's right.  Poof! Be gone!  Why?  Because I have even more hideous pictures that shall be forthcoming as soon as I can get back in the gym :)

Lord.  Jesus...

My goals for today:  Today is my "cleanse" day.  Last night I drank something called Super Dieter's Tea.
If you are so inclined to try this, be prepared for a run of knees to chest type of pace when it starts taking effect.  Do NOT...I repeat...DO NOT think your body can handle three bags.  It's violent.  I advise against it. 
This morning I have had a cup of coffee (added a sweet n low and powdered creamer - that will be the last day I do this) and, so far, 16.9 oz of water.  Seeing as how it is now 9:30 am, I am behind on water intake.  I am going to shoot for a gallon a day.  Water helps flush out the impurities in your system, helps with skin (a HUGE problem area for me.  Wasn't this crap supposed to end in my teens?  Go figure.) and can help you feel "full" so as to not overeat.  I will be drinking a protein shake later which, while not on the "plan" for Eat to Live, I feel I'll need so as to not lose any (more) muscle mass.  My favorite protein as of now?  Hydro 4 Hard Whey Apple Tango Blast by Chaotic Labz. (you can buy it here along with their other flavors - with free shipping :) )  Deeeeelish! 

For the cleanse, I'll be doing a two day juicing with the "Hollywood 48 Hour Miracle Diet".  Don't judge me (I'm already doing that just by typing the name of the product), but I need to get rid of it and I might as well just use it and then be done with it.  There are way too many sugars (22 grams per serving) involved here - but let's just ease our way in to this.  I'm going to be going on a total carb and sugar withdrawals so better, for me, to work my way there.

I'll be going to the gym this evening and I think I'll reintroduce my body to working out.  An all over weight workout shall be had and I'll make sure to document exactly what I do.  I will end with at least 20 minutes of cardio.  More later.